French 2

Français 2

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” 

Nelson Mandela


I. Syllabus 

 Français II


Palmer High School


Madame Easter


MARGOT.EASTER@MATSUK12.US                                     Room: 1033        

Phone: 907-746-8430

Office hours: Before or after school


Course Description


French II is the 2nd level of French offered in the Matanuska-Susitna School District and at Palmer High School.

The goal of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to further develop their proficiency skills in comprehension, reading, writing, and speaking. Students will be challenged with short writings, impromptu speaking activities, oral presentations, listening comprehension tasks, and grammar and vocabulary exercises.




Our primary text for the year is D’Accord  Level 2

Other sources and materials: Various sources of reading materials, such as novels, short stories, plays, poetry, newspapers, magazines, songs, internet articles, and other publications.


Course outline


Preliminary unit Chez nous (At home)

Unit 1 La nourriture (Food)

Unit 2 La santé (Health)

Unit 3 La technologie (Technology)

Unit 4 En ville (In town)

Unit 5 L’avenir et les métiers (Future and jobs)

Unit 6 L’espace vert (Environment)

Unit 7 Les arts (Arts)


Codes for French 2 classes

Make sure to register in the correct class!



Period 4: 


Google Classroom: 5eexjyl

Remind: palpitant


Period 5:


Google Classroom: b2gjw36

Remind: palpitant


 (Parents are also welcome to login on Remind to receive regular information about my class such as deadlines, events, etc.)


Goals & Expectations

The goal of most people who opt to study a world language is to eventually be able to speak that language. This requires a tremendous commitment from both the student and the teacher: a willingness to work hard consistently and an understanding that without this commitment, language acquisition will not occur.
As the student, your first task is to train yourself to listen attentively in order to comprehend the French that you will hear. Notice the language that is going on around you.

Your second task is to make a great effort to use the language yourself, as much as possible. This is the only way to achieve any kind of fluency in any language, ever. Be prepared to make mistakes. Imagine growing up, hearing English all around you, but never opening your mouth because you were afraid of making a mistake.

In addition, language is a product of a culture. So, beyond learning the language itself, learning about the rich aspects of Francophone (French-speaking world) culture will be an important part of this class. This may include exposure to new types of music, literature, food, art, and film. This can be greatly rewarding if you are willing to open yourself up to new, different experiences. Please plan to participate, work hard, have homework, make mistakes, and of course, have fun.

I am extremely happy to have you in my class this year! I am looking forward to many good times and a lot of learning – together.


Classroom procedures:


PONCTUALITY: Students must be in their assigned seats when the bell rings. If you are late, you must go to the front office to get a pass and provide me with your pass upon return. 

PREPARATION: All course work will be completed via Google Classroom (unless otherwise specified). You will be expected to bring your Chromebook to class daily and take it home daily.


CONDUCT: Profanity, inappropriate behavior, and disrespect to fellow peers will not be tolerated in this classroom. You are expected to treat your classmates and Madame Easter with respect and courtesy.  If you are disrespecting others, you will be sent to the hallway or to the office.  Depending on the severity of the offense, a discipline referral will be sent to administration, as well as a phone call to parents.     


BACKPACK:  If you brought your backpack to class, leave it in the hallway! There is a designated backpack area in the hallway (along the wall) where you will be required to stow your bags, to allow for additional space within our desk/class work area. 

ATTENDANCE:  Attendance is crucial when learning a second language. What you miss in class in terms of valuable verbal class work cannot be made up; frequent absences will inevitably affect your success and grade in the class. If you miss a class, excused or otherwise, you will need to log on Google Classroom to see what work you missed.  YOU are responsible for making up work that you missed. Don’t hesitate to use Remind to communicate with your teacher!

HALL PASSES:  Passes are available upon request. Make sure your teacher knows where you are at all times!

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Plagiarism as well as the use of Google Translate or any other online translators will not be tolerated and will result in a disciplinary referral as well as loss of credit.


FOOD/DRINK: Beverages MUST have a lid.  (No cans!)  Food needs to be consumed and put away before class starts.


Responsibilities (Rules: the 3 Rs):


1) Respect yourself and others.

2) Be Responsible.

3) Recognize that hard work always pays off.


                All school rules apply in this classroom!


French Supplies for Madame Easter’s classes:


· Your school-issued chromebook computer (Make sure it’s charged!)

· Earphones

· Paper/ pencil




Deadline to turn in late work: END OF QUARTER.


LATE WORK: Points will be deducted if work is not turned in on time. 


Assessments are divided in two sections.


1) Formative Assessments (30%) are part of the instructional process.


In class participation/ Homework/ Bell Quizzes (daily)


2) Summative Assessments (70%) are given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know.


Quizzes (end of lesson)/ Tests (end of unit)/ Orals/ Projects


Extra credit will be offered throughout the semester (example: online tutoring, Yule log cake, King Cake, Declamation, etc.) Do not depend on extra credit to significantly raise your grade!


It is the student’s responsibility to check his/her grades on Synergy regularly.

How to be successful in this class?


1-Do participate in class discussions!

2-Do your homework and turn them in on time.

3-Do practice French online (see useful websites at the end of the syllabus).

4-Do come to class ready to learn.

5-Do bring materials to class, we will use the textbook everyday.

6-Do go ask for help to your teacher during lunch time.

7-Don’t miss or be late to class.

8-Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

9-Don’t be shy with your classmates.

10-Don’t speak English in class, the more you speak French, the better you’ll improve.

11-Don’t forget to study regularly.

12-And finally, DON'T EVER GIVE UP!


II. Schedule 


Check google classroom. 


III. Homework and coming up




Check google classroom.


IV. Projects


Check google classroom.


V.Final exams




VI. Deadlines


Summative work will be accepted for full credit up until the school-wide semester drop dead dates: December (to be announced), 2023 and May (to be announced), 2024.



VII. Events


Poem recitation- DECLAMATION

You have already memorized one of the poems! "La Lessive"